Dependent Origination

Archive for December 2011



很久没有算过这个了 因为microsoft money停产了 所以我的2009和2010都只有部分数据 2010看到实在没有希望找到一个可以用的money了 就开始用mint mint我并不满意 首先没有办法import data from other sources (while they can definitely do this technically) 另外它的report功能太有限了 而且非常不好用 像现在年终总结的时候吧 一会儿想这么分类 一会儿想那么看 但是经常搞不出来 哎 头一回miss微软的东西 主要是mint不大争气的说 怎么就能劣币驱逐了良币呢

这样我只有一个number可以report: 本年度买衣服花了1858块。其实到十一月的时候还只花了1400多块 但是当我发现的时候特高兴 马上就下了两三个单 于是就多花了五百块吧 另外今年春天不小心把几乎所有的毛衣都洗坏了 所以要重新买毛衣 后面这四五百块主要是花在毛衣们身上了 偏偏你想买的时候 就没有好看的 总之任重而道远啊

总的来说我对数目还是满意的 尤其考虑到自己的满意程度 想买什么就买什么的开心 微博上面关注了一些专门报deal的人 一样都没买过 而且觉得这种追着deal买的方式 肯定会花更多的钱 自己以为买的便宜 但是架不住买得多啊 我工作以来成功转型为需要才买 喜欢才买 转型相当成功 不仅花钱少 而且更满意了 生活质量上升了 对自己也更加满意 然后更加坚持 完全的正面循环 [撒花] 🙂

当然这个系统建立的基础是我想要的东西基本上都有了 所以坏了再买一个去换 然后我想要的东西在逐年减少 事实上我根本没有什么想要的东西 觉得已经拥有的都很好 也不惦记别的什么东西 所以也就没有什么花钱的欲望了

事实上我对消费已经没有任何兴趣了 fb上面经常有人show shopping bags, 一堆一堆的,好像一整个假期就用来在某个outlet花钱 要不然就是什么机车啊小香要涨价了赶紧买了一个啊 每张照片后面无数的人说好啊羡慕啊 我觉得这些人都特别可怜 糊里糊涂的 根本不知道自己在干什么 还以为自己特别时髦特别小资 生活过得好 消费社会的人只有消费一条路可以走 却仍然觉得自己是自由意志选择的结果 并且把消费当作自己的价值系统来维护 我不知道她们有一天会不会意识到自己的无聊 会不会意识到creation比consumption之美丽健康和身心愉悦内心平静满足 花钱买东西占有 然后怎么样呢?is there anything special when you have it? how long does it last? anyway 道不同不相与谋。不过我是不敢在fb上面说的,会被消费的口水淹死。


1. 不要有late payment — 果然如所料 搬了家之后这个问题就消失了 今年信用卡/mortgage都没有late过 主要功劳是就是每次拿了信就放在固定的地方 如果是我的话 都是两个星期拿一次 通常是周末 拿了马上处理 写了支票马上寄 今年唯一晚过的是pg&e的账单 但是我觉得那是因为我没有收到账单的缘故 所以不是我晚了:)

2. 好好学广论 上课前听带子 — 这条没做到 从北美道场回来之后 才开始每次都听 年都过完了

3. 早上九点起床 — 这条就算做到了吧 九点到九点半之间基本上都起了 偶尔睡过了 都是因为睡得晚 而且也是很少发生的

4. 工作生活上要勤快 不要拖沓 — 这条也算做到了吧 总的来说还可以 经常给自己列个两个月的todo清单 如果有所积累还会assign专门的时间来完成todo 所以没有拖太久 应该说和以前相比有很大的进步

综上所述 四条完成了三条 75% 给个良吧 🙂








1. Ikizu

2. On Golden Pond

3. 此间的少年

4. 赵氏孤儿


1. Ikizu

2. On Golden Pond

3. Blame it on Fidel

4. 白蛇传说

5. Pirates of Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

6. 武侠

7. 此间的少年

8. Battle of Los Angeles

9. 武林外传

10. 倩女幽魂

11. The Tourist

12. 全城戒备

13. 最强喜事

14. 让子弹飞

15. 赵氏孤儿

16. 非诚勿扰II

17. 旧情照相馆

18. 新少林寺


This is an excellent movie. I had to break it in half and watch it for two nights. Incidentally I broke it on its natural border of first half and second half. The first half shows so much miseries about loneliness and facing the end of life with no one to turn to, for even a tiny speck of warmth. I almost decided to skip the second half, since I am very sure that I cannot survive watching another hour of such miseries. Luckily I read the introduction on the dvd sleeve and realized the second half is probably going to be about more positive things so I continued.

There are still quite some heartbreaking materials in the second half, for example, the son, the entire movie, is so distant to what is going on around him — despite the fact his father poured his heart and soul onto him, he is so alien, so inept at feeling, to the point of stupidity. The end brought some solace, some light in the son’s emotional dessert but it is not enough — an entire breed of man, who couldn’t feel, couldn’t emote, couldn’t live. Luckily they, themselves, do not know it.

The English version called ‘To Live’. It would be a very interesting topic to compare the Japanese version of 活着 and the Chinese version of 活着。You see they are in completely different scope: Chinese ‘To Live‘ is about how to survive, how to thrive despite all hardships thrown at you. The Japanese ‘To Live’ has a way more general framework — it is philosophical and worldly in the sense that everyone, no matter color, class and wealth, has to face the question what is the meaning of your life, one way or the other. In a sense, the latter question is much more hurting, much more thought provoking, much more life changing than the previous question of how to survive. Maybe that is the reason why China does not have any prominent philosophers in the past thousand years — the Chinese people are too obsessed with survival, and getting ahead, they hardly have time to think — just as the two movies tell you. The Japanese, despite the bare, plain, simple life you see from the movie in the 50s, right after the war, actually think about life and death and try to answer THE question.

When you think of it, it is illuminating why the two movies can be so different.

It is a beautiful movie. The opening sequences had my breath taken away. The spirit of nature and freedom, so full of life. It was the Squam Lake in New Hampshire, near White Mountain. I want to have a summer house there too!

Both Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn got Oscar for their roles. I like Henry Fonda’s role, so moody, so cantankerous, but funny in a sense and you can see fear in his eyes. On the other hand, I think Katherine Hepburn is over-acting — at times I cannot even look at her — even at the famous parts for example, you are my knight in shining armor, etc, etc — I feel like she is a stage actor, there is too much acting, too hard, not something I can even appreciate. And Jane Fonda, I think when i was younger, or in teenager years, I thought she was pretty. But now, except her body, I don’t see where her beauty is. Errr a bit disappointing.

All in all, it is a nice movie about mortal life and eternal love. In fact, one sentence feels like light to me. Ethel said to Norman, you are the sweetest man in the world but only I know it. It reveals the answer to my previous question why some people can accept a worse self in a seemingly bad marriage — it is love made them so. In love, or in the fear of loneliness, we seek company and we see the other’s shining points and we try to help them. It is a different view point from outside world — in the outside world, we evaluate based on merit, or shortcomings. In love, we say let me help you. It is the giving that is sustaining the love, the marriage, and the world. How noble and gracious.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”







今年写得早哈 还有一个多星期这一年才真正完呢 想到比方说2009的时候 12/31号花了一天时间看完的shutter island 所以说不定今年总结写完了还能看完东西呢 🙂

2011是the year of Patrick O’brian, he is SO good. 这个系列二十本看了十八本,最喜欢的the reverse of the medal, master and commander, h.m.s. surprise, desolation island, the far side of the world, 这几本都非常有印象 — 其他都非常好看,不然也看不下来这么多。

另外对the reader印象非常深刻。德国作家的坚硬和深刻。

本年度读的多是fiction, 明年要多读些nonfiction。本年度可能也是第一年一本中文都没读,时间都紧着赶着的给了patrick o’brian,明年要多读些中文的。


27. Many Lives Many Masters

26. My Favorite Ingredients

25. The Yellow Admiral

24. The Commodore

23. The Wine-dark Sea

22. One Hundred Years of Solitude

21. Love in the Time of Cholera

20. The Reader

19. The Truelove

18. The Nutmeg of Consolation

17. The Letter of Marque

16. The Reverse of the Medal

15. The Far Side of the World

14. Treason’s Harbour

13. Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriages:Short Stories

12. The Ionian Mission

11. The Surgeon’s Mate

10. Predictably Irrational

9. The Pleasures of Cooking for One

8. Life and Death in Shanghai

7. The Fortune of War

6. Desolation Island

5. The Mauritius Command

4. H.M.S. Surprise

3. Post Captain

2. Master and Commander

1. Dying Well

就是前世今生。如果以前没有接触过这些事情可能还挺震撼的吧。但是现在的我看起来太平常了,写的也很罗嗦,要是我写估计也就是new yorker上面一个稍微长一点的人物通讯而已。每个章节都要拼命强调自己scientifically observe, evaluate等等,益发暴露作者的心虚。其实世界这么大,科学解释不了的,或者科学暂时不能解释的东西多了去了,就直接说科学不是万能的又能怎么样。

svn diff -r REVNO:HEAD –summarize

HEAD can be another revision number, instead of the latest version of repository

alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique(colomn_names);

apparently if existing values do not respect the constraint, the constraint won’t be created.

there are other syntax’es but this is the only one that is successful for now:

insert into table1 (column1) select col1 from table2;

more details here.

December 2011

Flickr Photos
